Corporate email creation refers to professional email addresses created by companies with their own custom domain names. Such email addresses strengthen the company's brand and are more reliable for customers. For example, addresses like office@sirketinadı.az.
Corporate email development is not only a communication tool for companies, but also an important element for them to create a professional and reliable image. This allows you to establish reliable communication with your customers.
Corporate email addresses help a company look professional. Customers trust email addresses with a custom domain name more than generic email addresses like or
Choosing a domain name that matches your company name is the first step. The domain name should reflect your company's identity and brand value.
It is important to use a reliable email hosting service. These services manage your email traffic and ensure the security of your data.
Step 1: Domain Name Registration
The first step is to register a domain name. The domain name will be your company's address on the internet.
Step 2: Choosing an Email Hosting Service
By choosing an email hosting service, we prepare special email servers for your company.
Step 3: Email Configuration
In this step, we create your email addresses and configure them as you wish.
Step 4: Testing and Handover
We test your email system and, if there are any problems, we resolve them and hand them over.
There are various tools available for companies to manage their corporate email accounts, such as Microsoft Exchange, Google Workspace, etc.
If you want to connect more closely with your customers and increase your sales, 166 Tech's corporate email services can help you. We will develop special strategies for you and help you reach your customers at the right time and with the right content. With targeted emails, we will provide valuable offers to customers, support their purchasing decisions and provide solutions that will strengthen brand loyalty.
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