Types of Websites - Site Order

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Types of Websites - Site Order

When developing each website, the functionality of the site must be specified, and it must be known who the site will appeal to. Some websites are needed to sell products, other websites provide information about a company to its users, and others are needed to conduct marketing campaigns.

Business card site

A business card site is usually a small website of 5-10 pages with basic information about the business. The main difference is the purpose of the site, which is to inform users about the organization's offers and provide contact information. It often consists of sections: "about the company", information about services and contact information. A business card website is great for small businesses that want to attract local customers: Hairdressers, Cafes, Notaries.

Landing Page

A one-page website designed to encourage users to take action: leave contact information or order a product/service immediately. The advantages are high lead conversion, quick turnaround and high flexibility. You can customize a website for almost any niche and it is usually created for a product or service.

The peculiarity of this type of site is that the developers know in advance how the user will interact with the site (scroll down the page) and can organize the information in the right order, which will allow the customer to fully understand the value of the product.

Corporate website

A corporate website is a representative center of the company on the Internet, informing customers about the organization, activities and products of the company. The main goal is to create a memorable image and attract new customers. A corporate website is characterized by a large volume of pages compared to a business card website, and often includes a personal account to provide additional information to the company's existing customers.


A site designed for trading goods on the Internet. An online store additionally helps to increase customer reach and generate sales not only through offline outlets but also through online channels. When developing, you should take into account the need to import and export goods from 1C, adding discounts to goods in accordance with the company's existing loyalty program.
